Not much in life makes me cringe, unless a wacko in the parking-lot screams "AHHHHHH!" and almost damages my eardrums or a psychotic jerk gestures the middle finger while I'm driving my car and finally Donald Trump questioning the validity of President Obama's birth certificate.
But when the most insane week in the NFL looms because of a heinous lockout, a fatal stoppage wearing down the minds of fans and disgruntled players, it's another reason to cringe. So now, upon hearing the latest fuss on the outrageous episode that can undermine the image of the wealthiest enterprise in pro sports, we're engulfed by all the madness in the craziest and most preposterous corruption in NFL history. When a judge recently confirmed and ruled that the NFL lockout was lifted, a reaction to please the American population in which the vast majority worships football, it seems proper to finally express optimism.
Despite it all, even if a judge in Minnesota halted the 45-day lockout, temporarily allowing NFL players to return to the training facilities, nonetheless it's uncertain whether the 16-game regular season will resume by next fall. For all the weirdness heard by the anonymous buzz from meetings where two parties aren't unanimously resolving the issues, all the endless talk is delaying workouts and the possibility of football next season in the midst of labor battles.
For all the uncanny debates with the league's status in the upcoming weeks, such is the perceptibility of the league remaining in skepticism until the NFLPA and NFL ends the wishy-washy, back and forth jawing and announce that there will definitely be a manageable season as early as September, Goodell is facing atrocious circumstances.
What, did commissioner Roger Goodell perish?
Where he stands on this issue is a great question, when he hasn't even stepped forward to address the latest news, humiliating himself more as the person in command. Not sure why, but he's not the NFL Sheriff, not the sternest, meanest and intolerant commissioner we were once familiar with for installing his rigid personal conduct code generally for discipline, cracking down to significantly reduce senseless arrest of players being charged with crime.
Remember, he was the man who dressed professional and manipulated the NFL with a powerful voice. Remember, he was perfect, not imperfect and excelled in the hardest, stressful position. Under his wings, ever since he emerged onto the NFL setting, Goodell created harsh barriers all while the league's popularity ballooned based on viewers and the respectability for the one sport every tends to become attach with by all the action-packed and dramatic thrills.
So there is Goodell, who looks like the bigger fool for all his buffoonish decisions of late, crippled by his reaction in a major newspaper in regards to Nelson's ruling. In all, no doubt, he is in denial and embarrassed with the way things played out in the ugliest political war, an unprecedented lockout that ruined his legacy, if he ever validated his reputation as a commissioner. The point is, for the time being, is that he is failing in his regime and lost all credibility in the flux currently as the league is in disarray.
Though few believe this is the end to relatively a widespread disaster, as the NFL is clearly dumbfounded and relieved by federal district judge Susan Nelson's ruling Monday that temporarily lifted the lockout after ruling on an action filed by the plaintiffs in the Tom Brady antitrust lawsuit, it's not easy to downplay the current situation when Goodell childishly and foolishly was irresponsible. So we are supposed to feel sorry for a man, if we can, after he ripped and insulted the arbiter.
If you are looking for a reason to strongly dislike Goodell, the most villainous commissioner among all sports leagues excluding Vince McMahon, it's probably for the standoffs that he allowed to nearly rupture the NFL, it's probably because of his pompous behavior turning off the vast majority, people who are distraught with the likelihood of which there still may not be football played next season. For six weeks, a work stoppage in the National Football League generated heavy talk in attempt to seek negotiations for a new Collective-Bargaining Agreement with the players, but the two parties couldn't compromise and sadly wrangled over dollars adding horror within innocuous labor disputes.
The NFL, and its fan base, distrust in Goodell and has been reluctant to forgive him of his bungles, concerned with his ego and popularity rather than reforming the league by reaching a unanimous understanding on the new collective bargaining agreement. There is much to dislike about Goodell even more so now, particularly when he's lamented and needed to express sorrow by writing his inane letter in the Wall Street Journal. This was mildly disturbing and oppressive, whining like he is a jilted lover or saddened over an awful blind date.
Here's what he wrote: "Is this really what you want, baby? Don't you see, this is killing both of us! Come back to me, or I'll stick my head in the oven, and life will be ruined forever for everyone!"
The real story here is that the NFL is resuming business, finally. That incredibly widens fans' smiles as America can breathe relief. By now, in everything from players arriving at team facilities to preparing for workouts, if so, the NFL protects itself from mass destruction. If this is the beginning to another restoration, given the immediate decision that now allows the players to respond in a hearing on Wednesday, hopefully it's the end to the nightmarish lockout and erases the dreaded mistake, a propaganda stunt of drivel and nonsense.
His op-ed piece was unnecessary, hearing something like this: "For the love of God, help us! The big, mean U.S. district court judge and the even bigger, meaner players' union lawyers are going to ruin the NFL! We'll have -- Gasp! -- a free-market system!"
So he doesn't realize that he is partially the scapegoat marred by doomsday??
I guess that is a "no!"
It just so turns out, as the NFL Draft looms ever so closer in New York at the Radio City Hall, that Goodell and the owners are incensed with the judge's ruling for the players and ending the NFL-imposed lockout Monday, forcing the owners to instantly move the case to the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals.
Maybe he should quit his day job and send his resume to a newspaper for a journalism job as he wrote:
"For six weeks, there has been a work stoppage in the National Football League as the league has sought to negotiate a new collective-bargaining agreement with the players. But Judge Nelson ordered the end of the stoppage and recognized the players' right to dissolve their union. By blessing this negotiating tactic, the decision may endanger one of the most popular and successful sports leagues in history."
For weeks now, the fans, including the owners and players with tension inflaming badly, had been witnessing a work stoppage, albeit the NFL announced its calendar for the 2011 season. If so, gathering at the team headquarters is feasible, free-agent signings can resume, trades can be improvised, players can be released, and lastly, players can report to minicamps and training camps during the offseason.
Let us hope the NFL isn't stupid to cost themselves financially. Let us hope the owners are selfless in allowing a lingering work stoppage to endanger revenue and the league's reputation. Let us hope the players can put aside the greed, dismissing the discontent personalities that can revoke the labor issues over a new CBA in the upcoming weeks, hopefully.
We can only hope both sides reach a settlement eventually and unleash a new collective bargaining agreement. The best option for Goodell, marked for nearly ruining the NFL with his boneheaded and reckless choices, would be to resign with all the hypocrisy because of his stupidity and nonsense.
For now, the players' union is outplaying Goodell.
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