Had he not been defiant in uncovering the truth to alleviate burdens and mitigate the guilt of crimes that tarnished his reputation, Barry Bonds wouldn't have wasted time in the court of law amidst a reckless trial of ignorance.
It was arrogance that impaired Bonds, deceit ruining his dishonorable milestone for which he unbearably bamboozled America's Pastime by breaking the rules in the middle of the contaminated stretch where plenty of players lived lies and ventured into the Steroid Era deeply. He can amazingly break the law and merely waste a whole lot of time, making a mockery of legislation without having to serve harsh time for a reckless crime. He can be portrayed as a callous narcissism, he can tell a lie in front of federal investigators, he can sabotage the wonderful game by juicing his body without coming clean with honesty, and he can destroy the game's description.
If there ever was a moment when you really believed that Bonds, arguably one of the greatest power hitters ever -- belted a bundle of home runs the distance and into the stands with an artistic knack and purity, it's because you are in denial or just truly feel sorry for the jackass filled with arrogance and egotism. The truth to this drama is that Bonds deserves to be sentenced to jail time, and while he is getting off so freely with impunity, his desire in refusing to acknowledge wrongdoing is unforgetfulness and negligence.
The explanations he has presented are dubious, and even when he was accused of juicing his body with performance-enhancers, he resumed his pillaged baseball career with the San Francisco Giants, the lone baseball town that accepted and expressed much idolatry for a man who had been desperate enough to keep a hidden agenda as a grisly fraud. He was never an angelic hero in neither baseball nor a marquee slugger, but was normally described as a pariah -- a miserable and temperamental criminal with an abundance of doubtful arguments in his defense where he insured his innocence despite when everybody and their mothers knew he was clearly a steroid liar.
These days, furthermore, he is unapologetic and denies the truth. In numerous circumstances, Bonds, the most recognizable black athlete in the nation, contradicted himself and promoted the race card when admittedly he said the media and critics ridiculed him because he was black. In truth, it was never about the commonality of racism, but the reason people were critical of Bonds was because he cheated and juiced his way to the 700 club jealous of Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa for saving baseball by drilling 136 homers combined in 1998.
Even if he broke Hank Aaron's record that allowed him to become the home run king, considering that his incredible record is an asterisk in the beautiful game which is now corroded, he'll never be dignified like Aaron or even be acknowledged as the faithful home run king. The point here, no doubt, is he never employed his natural abilities and respectfully Aaron played long before the Steroid Era came about.
By now, people are genuinely distraught with Bonds and feel he should be punished for his sins when he told a grand jury in 2003 that he never knowingly took steroids and never used human growth hormone or obtained injections by his trainer. Turns out, later as years progressed, he lied. By doing so, he made himself look like a fool and has been treated like one, unwilling to address the issue and confess to his disastrous nonsense. Just so you know, he's not only a cheater.

The all-time home run king, dealing with a mid-life crisis because of his damn stupidity, is overwhelmingly an arrogant douche bag, a womanizer and a tax evader. Ask his ex-mistress, Kimberly Bell. One can argue that Bonds must pay the consequences and stay behind bars for lying to a federal grand jury, that he is a criminal and the focal point of the ugliest issue in baseball. The trial was an insult for lawmakers and particularly a slap in the face to those who are currently serving time for lying under oath or fabricating any subject in front of the federal grand jury.
It's utterly fascinating that he can ride freely without doing time for the crime, especially when Marion Jones denied cheating for years and spent six months incarcerated. Needless to say, Bonds was a steroid user, betrayed baseball and its fans -- but worse -- avoided the possibility of seeing countless months in jail. So welcome to the Juicer Club, Bonds, the ex-wannabe slugger blackballed from the game by all major league ballclubs and evolved into a greater risk and a cancerous hazard for any big league club to take a bold gamble on.
The steroid revelations killed the wondrous highlights of sluggers smashing home runs out of the ballpark, and while Bonds is the current holder with 762 home runs in his career, seven more than Aaron, for the most homers in major league history, he is merely the pseudo accountable for the collateral damage that sent baseball into oblivion.

As for the tainted record, a hostile record-setting feat for a polluted power hitter, Bonds really should be within the 500 mark in homers and characterized fittingly in the company of the fraternal cheaters in baseball. The jury of eight women and four men managed to consummate its judgment on a contradictory verdict and only convicted Bonds of obstruction for lying to federal grand jury, but failed to garner a valid decision on three counts of perjury.
Huh?? Yes, you heard correctly.
We should no longer have trust in the faulty and unreliable court systems, no longer a system that can tell the difference between justice or injustice. The credibility of the most hallowed record in the sport, despite whether or not the landmark is tainted or unlawfully inappropriate to write in the record books, is marred by asterisks and legions of people disdain Bonds as a person and athlete given his troubles and moodiness in the past.
Whatever smudged him in his playing days, whether it was his self-indulgence or apathy, he cost himself a shot of making the Hall linked to steroids use and pitifully lying under oath. If he actually believes that he has a place in Cooperstown, it's mainly because he's naive and delusional, unwilling to accept the truth. Among other things, he truly looks like the biggest idiot, convinced that he's not guilty of deceitfulness. What a fool.
A blind person even knows that Bonds is a dishonest moron. After all this, he could now deliver his confession to clear his disgraced name. You don't have to like him as a person, but credit Alex Rodriguez for coming clean on national television to confess that he used steroids and then resumed in his career as a member of the Yankees. Surely, his credibility is in jeopardy and he is perceived like an enemy from the Yankees Empire. Just a little over a year ago, McGwire tried to confirm that he had broken sins of morality and attempted to reshape his persona with puzzling explanations.
After all that, in the meantime, he saved his job as batting coach for St. Louis. As for Bonds, he doesn't have the audacity to confess or admit to his fallacies and prefers living a lie for the rest of his life, unwilling to put the putrid rebellion to rest. They spent exactly three years and five months in bedlam with an indictment and conviction, suddenly ending a lingering trial that nearly turned uglier and less presentable. It's plausible had Bonds' longtime personal trainer, Greg Anderson, testified to bring down a good comrade that it would have diverged into a complex trial.
The fight he was caught in the middle of, unwilling to rat out his best friend and someone who was like a father-figure, Anderson was courageous and spent months in jail after refusing to testify against his friend. Meanwhile, he could have feared for his life and easily testified when Bonds injected himself with steroids during his regimen and the numbers don't lie.
Bonds hit 73 home runs at age 36, purely?? Come on. Stop it.
It's an absolute shame to believe in preferential treatment for a man who deserves to be hauled away in cuffs.
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