Every time accusations surface of a famous icon, a likable quarterback or any athlete, you’d like to believe such allegations are untruthful.
Instead we assume he’s a mistaken identity or hear deceitfulness shouts from a sinister woman’s mouth, out pursuing bundles of cash. That is exactly what we’ve assumed, hearing Ben Roethlisberger described as a hideous sexual predator of contemptible judgment.
Faced with public humiliation for obnoxious weak-mindedness and stupidity, he has initiated unexpected confusion, abruptly putting himself in a merciless predicament. And while some may suspect that Roethlisberger is the reckless daredevil on turf, others may have afterthoughts of his foolish recklessness off the field.
He’s been willing to venture all temptations, but was wrongly accused of rape inside a Lake Tahoe resort in 2008 when a senseless employee’s accusations were false. Though he’s viewed as a sexual assaulter, Roethlisberger is innocent until proven guilty.
In the meantime, he could be framed and targeted for millions, but is on the verge of self-destruction if he doesn’t turn away troubled little girls. Seen partying at a college bar in rural Georgia and another night in a Chicago club, were signs of trouble for the two-time Super Bowl champion quarterback.
The recent allegations raise concern and questions, to whether he’s exposing himself as a sexual-addict or whether his accusers are identifying a convivial night as a fairytale. Until there are specifics provided, all accusations remain a mystery.
It’s now clear that he’s the most-scrutinized athlete, evaluated and labeled as a dangerous criminal. There’s a reaction that he has lost all credibility amid the heartless and eerie ailment. All of the sudden, the wide-eyed populace are putting him in similarities with the rape cases of Kobe Bryant and the Duke lacrosse players.
At least hearing of previous accusations in the past, you’d have liked to think he learned a valuable lesson. My instincts tell me Big Ben is a lovable athlete, a gifted quarterback, but also an unrelenting superstar lacking intelligence whenever women are involved.
What the hell is he doing, spending time at the bars where he’s targeted greatly by misleading women? At 28, Roethlisberger still lacks a significance of maturity, often partying in damn bars attracting some of the craziest women. Ever since encountering his first episode at the resort, he’s still fighting off accusations by a woman, Andrea McNulty, who accused him of attacking her at a charity golf tournament two years ago.
What are you THINKING!!!!
Relatively speaking, he has not been charged with any crime, but police in a little community at a Georgia college town are investigating the allegations to whether it’s true that Roethlisberger sexually assaulted a 20-year-old college student in a bar restroom in the wee hours of Friday morning.
It’s an absolute risk to endanger an NFL career by socializing and partying with college students. If he wanted to interact with women or party and drink at a bar, couldn’t he had found another venue where the women were a bit more mature and older? Absolutely!
The last incident was a wakeup call for Mr. Roethlisberger, a lesson that saved his credibility and the way we perceived him. But months later a resemblance of sexual assault reoccurs, making it complex to believe if he’s a victim or an anomalous individual.
In a die-hard sporting town, he’s the symbol of a town that elaborates much on its pride and sporting icons. The average Steelers fan converge a perception that he’s only accused of such malevolent crime.
Knowing that his reputation is spotless as the greatest quarterback and franchise curer, he’s not verified as a pernicious wrongdoer, but as the Big Ben everyone witnesses on Sunday afternoons. He’s the most preeminent quarterback, but involved in a serious situation that could endanger his $102 million contract. The organization has every reason to be concerned with the pending allegations and take serious measures on what has uncovered in the last 24 hours.
“All of us in the Steelers family are concerned about the recent incident involving Ben Roethlisberger in Georgia,” said team president Art Rooney. “We cannot comment on any of the specifics until law enforcement’s investigation is concluded. Certainly, we will continue to closely monitor the situation.”
Several witnesses said Roethlisberger was seen in Milledgeville with “O-Bombs,” a flavored rum and energy drink mixture he had brought for himself a few nights ago. According to reports, Roethlisberger and his friends welcomed unknown women into the VIP room and offered free drinks.
Throughout his travails, he had foolishly ridden a motorcycle without a helmet and suffered a terrifying accident that almost killed him, he had sustained four concussions within a span of four seasons, and now again is dealing with sexual assault.
Is anybody suspicious when he hired powerful Atlanta attorney Ed Garland? Sadly, the NFL has turned into a league of criminals, jailbirds persisting on committing notorious crimes. Michael Vick killed dogs, Donte’ Stallworth struck a pedestrian while driving drunk, and Adam Pacman Jones couldn’t stay away from strip clubs and faced two felony charges after a shooting in a Las Vegas strip club.
It’s disheartening to know he’s not wrapped to tight in the head, not understanding the ramifications of unlawfulness. While some believe he’s innocent, others may take a different outlook by accusing him given the pending civil case. Any player with a rational conscious realizes the consequence of similar issues in their lifetime. But not Big Ben, the man coping with much mishap that could lead to a gruesome crisis.
Hearing the devastating news of Roethlisberger facing yet another sexual assault charge is disturbing and shameful within a modest franchise. Sadly, his mystic reputation has stained his bittersweet nature, piercing the hearts and souls of many Pittsburghers.
If there’s truth to the allegations, then it’s a red flag that Big Ben may just be a reprehensible athlete, needing to avoid the childish nonsense and mature into a lovable gentleman. Until then, he’s a master of disguise.
As difficult as it is to believe him, we still compromise with him.
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