It’s fascinating how fast the world turned its attention to the world’s greatest golfer.
This week is hijacked as the average citizen tunes in, curious to know what went wrong when Tiger Woods made an ordinary mistake that turned into an abnormal event.
As bizarre as the story seems, it’s an everyday sequence occurring each minute.
Because an unforeseen incident involved the greatest athlete on the planet, with impeccable milestones and gifted abilities to bring forth breathtaking moments on the beautiful greenery, a complication erupts.

Ever since Woods struck a fire hydrant and a tree on the neighbor’s property at 2:25 a.m. on Friday, lingering reports and headlines have been blown out of proportion as if he’s perfect and faultless of any mistakes. Our society tends to forget athletes are human as well. Like the rest of us, Tiger is exposed to the casual nature of life.
From the public standpoint, we are accustomed to seeing Tiger's humbleness and classiness. We are accustomed to seeing his spotless career influence the minds of children, as he’s portrayed as a role model. We are accustomed to seeing Tiger as a nonpareil and inimitable golfer, but realistically overlook that he’s not born on another planet and is imperfect as a typical human.
For the public to exaggerate and advertise current episodes of a famous athlete crashing his SUV is nonsense. To dwell on a three-day-old incident is mind-blowing and expands more headlines about an overdrawn saga. Each morning, I’m tired of picking up the newspaper or logging onto the Internet and reading about an incident reported as a minor occurrence.
The public is waiting to hear an explanation. But if you know Tiger well enough, you’d understand Tiger is vague when concerning personal issues and keeps troubles within himself, not allowing the media to garner private information and create headlines. This is a privacy matter, even though the public wants to hear the truth about what really happened in the wee hours outside of his mansion in Windermere, Florida.
Recognized as the world’s richest and likable athlete, Tiger’s endorsement deals and unbelievable dominance on the golf course increased his credibility. He’s a consumer’s best friend, a typical fan’s best friend. You purchase his Gatorade drink, you purchase shoes and golf clubs.
His involvement within communities, giving advice and selling products, is why many expect an answer. But you don’t need an explanation.
I believe Tiger. I’d think he’s tired of the lingering questions. I’d think he’s ready to put disturbing reports to rest.

More suspicion escalated in what now remains a surprising riddle when Tiger refused to speak to police three times, concerning the puzzling events in the wee hours. It could’ve been that he was only backing out of his driveway to go for a joyride. It could’ve been that he left early in the morning to avoid TMZ or crowds. It could’ve been that he had exchanged a few words with his wife, Elin.
“This is a private matter and I want to keep it that way. Although I understand there is curiosity, the many false, unfounded and malicious rumors that are currently circulating about my family and me are irresponsible,” Woods wrote.
Who knows, and who cares? Once Tiger returns to the golf course, issues of his non-alcohol-related incident will vanish. From there, the public won’t be inquisitive to know what caused the accident. Instead, the galleries should amass a large crowd as fans can witness another epic performance, a cure to reduce all nonsensical beliefs.
Then again, Tiger shouldn’t refuse to answer questions and toss aside all the mind-boggling confusion. He shouldn’t have anything to hide, and could unveil the truth to end all fuss.
Worst to come is, Tiger could have been involved in a verbal altercation with Elin when reportedly she used a golf club to smash the back of the window and got him out. After he was removed from the Escalade, Woods was unresponsive and suffered lacerations to his lips and had blood in his mouth.
Most are fast to assume Tiger had an affair on his wife, was singled out in an argument, left out his gated community home furious and wrecked the SUV. If so, doesn’t an average marriage have ups and downs? Aren't Tiger and Elin human, in which personal issues come about? Absolutely!
In all likelihood, Tiger is the wealthiest athlete who cannot do wrong, despite an alleged affair with a New York girl, according to TMZ. The entire world is waiting for Tiger to confess, but does he really have to?
Meanwhile, he tried cleaning up some of the shocking news, when he wrote on his web site vaguely. What’s confusing is that he’s not unleashing enough detail.
“This situation is my fault, and it's obviously embarrassing to my family and me,” Woods wrote. “I’m human and I’m not perfect. I will certainly make sure this doesn’t happen again.”
Exactly—he’s only human.
Truth is, leaving Tiger alone ends, a pointless saga. Just because he told the police to leave without given specifics, doesn’t mean he’s guilty of a crime, domestic violence or even an affair. His privacy is very imperative, and dropping ongoing discussions is good advice.
Like anything else, news eventually disappears and dwells on another current event. But as for now, clearing his name of guilt to the Florida Highway Patrol troopers would halt circulated rumors. Not forced to deliver a statement to the police, Woods is confident fans believe his web site message.
Don’t you know the guy by now? He’s private. Don’t expect much confession or talking.
After all, he’s Tiger Woods.
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