As baseball continues to reveal fraudulent secrets, raiding players on a monthly period, the revelations are compiling more derision. There’s a secret List that continues to release names, busting players who are cons, cheats, and corrupted baseball to stain a beloved sporting league.

The majors are currently the biggest sporting soap opera, dismantling the beauty and artistic class of the game. This has burned out the hearts of fans, neglecting much of their consciousness on subtle nights or afternoons at the ballpark with family, hot dogs, peanuts, cotton candy, and any other rituals that come with, now, a contaminated game.
We live in the Steroid Era, where it has turned baseball inevitably into a toxic wasteland. Many of us have already lost interest and deterred in admiring and rooting for the home team, of course, if they didn’t win it was a shame. And neither baseball nor the players union is winning, so I guess we can call baseball a shamed sport.
Through an entire era of deceptive absurdity, incorporates convenient excuses, and hundreds of lies from players demanding to revise features of getting ensnared for juicing. Just from the number of busted players we admired and claimed as pure hitters or weren’t believed to be an asterisk, tricked us with their unnatural inabilities.
From all over, we were convinced and never doubted that anyone was a tainted suspect of fraud. But allowing ourselves to avoid from rationalizing what has transpired, fans never faced reality and understood that facades would eventually damage baseball’s psyche.
It did.
By now, fans should be weary, upset, and burned out. I myself might decide to boycott the game for some time, since there are misleading concepts. Because there were players who failed to abide by the law and weren’t confident enough to employ natural fortitude, they’ve disappointed us by ruining our avid senses. And now, the apathetic MLB commissioner, Bud Selig, watches everything turn into a siege.
No one in their right frame of mind, persistently wants to hear about a player getting banned or leaked to a report for using performance-enhancing drugs. No one in their right state of mind, wants to continuously hear lingering issues or reports of players they greatly appreciate and relishes proclaimed as a juicer.
Sadly, baseball immerses a lingering mystery, in which the players union and the majors refuse to confide annoying secrets. Currently, what is known, baseball is in a serious steroid crisis, but the public shamelessly are only aware of four top-profile stars.
Classify them as wannabes and impostors who couldn’t perform in the game correctly, needing syringes or pills to elevate fame and potential.
With all the constant steroid fiascoes, circulating and clouding up the league, maybe it answers why union chief Donald Fahr is stepping down, exhausted of a fragile season that centralized a crime scene, ignoring all the legit attributes of the game.
It is a terrible season of devastation and embarrassment that Fahr is choosing to escape, impairing a long legacy that is frail, soiled by leaked names.
Distressed outrage that taunts and points fingers directly at the union is enough to make the boss step down of his commands. It isn’t only stressful, but also insulting and scrutinizing to Fahr, who seems to be liable and blamable, especially when the union has no intention of revealing the list and have access.
But baseball has mishandled the doping ordeal, allowing it abruptly to describe the game as a Drug Dealing League, rather than Major League Baseball.
In other words, sadly, you have DDL, rather than MLB.
Still, the majors have found excuses to keep performance-enhancers silent, sweeping it under the rug. And they are still refusing to unmask the truth as if they’re in denial and embarrassed of disadvantages it has breed. So they want us to believe the list wasn’t supposed to ever exist.
The union was unsuccessful in disposing the list that was never supposed to be announced publicly. That’s a lie. See, the majors are big liars just as the players.
But somehow the feds were able to grab the list from under the union to probe names involved in sick scandals. Assuming the feds are done with their investigations, the New York Times somehow was able to obtain access and now is leaking out names that appear to be on the list. Maybe this will be a suitable time to get it over with. Maybe this will be a good time to quit hiding the truth.
The more the union and the majors hide the fact of the matter, the more humiliation it will present and the more it will weaken the game. Just this year alone, baseball is in limbo, as it is hard to believe what anyone says. With the list publicized, it is a moment for the majors to get steroid havoc off their chest.
After all, there are more important things to focus on like Albert Pujols’ exceptional Triple Crown chase, which is eclipsed by the complex juiced era. Many of us are uncaring about syringes and pills, but are caring of RBIs, OBPs, homers, and wins.
All we are asking is for the lingering list to vanish, and by reporters leaking names month to month, we are long past the dreary and exhausting reports. It’s to the point when reports have rattled our brains and gotten on our last nerves, upsetting us as we can’t focus on the magnifying fragments.
The only alternative for clearing up cynical complexities is to UNVEIL THE LIST, UNMASKED THE TRUTH. Otherwise names will continue to reveal into a public ruckus and it will hover over the game eternally.
None of the names that have being unveiled is a surprise, but are appealing to learn baseball’s criminals. There isn’t much of a secret as names one by one continues to startled us.
From the anonymous list of players in 2003, four top-notched players have being taunted, targeted, disregarded, disliked, and destroyed by fans. David Ortiz and Manny Ramirez surfaced into infamous spotlight on Thursday.
Then in June, Sammy Sosa was announced as a cheater, after he had already used a cork in his bat years ago. And then in February, there was Alex Rodriguez whose name came out before training camp.
Good enough hints to inform major league baseball of a preposterous rift in a sport everyone just wants to move on. It is a list of 104 players, not four players. It is appropriate to inform us of the other 97 players who were lying to us. Of course they’ll refuse to have their names announced, but it is something that has to be done.
Knowingly, none of the guilty players will talk. That is from former to present players whose names may be on the list. But not when it can defame and diminish their livelihood and fans from bracing them, including Hall of Fame legacy. Oh well, the anonymous 97 brought it on themselves and no must face the dangerous aftermath of losing prominence.
But if baseball wishes to move on, just bare the infamous list for your own welfare.
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