Our continent was confident all along that Michael Phelps wasn’t going to cease a prodigious water voyage.
He’s half man and half fish, with a savviest posture in Olympic-size pools that made him famous and America’s icon, ennobled of heroics and extraordinary swimming techniques.
Not only has the sport made him famous, but he was agile at amassing 14-Olympic gold medals and was easily classified as the world’s greatest swimmer, passing legendary water-sprinter Mark Splitz on the all-time list of Olympic gold.
A few months ago, quitting was something Phelps pondered.
Believe it or not, it would have being a huge gaffe of crippling a monumental legacy, if he ran from problems rather than reconstructing a battered image. A few months ago, a photo was publicized of Phelps blowing on a water bong, and from there he was caught in smoke.
Of course, further issues occurred. Kellogg quashed an endorsement deal, as children who looked up to him as a role model had a different concept about Phelps. As creditability started to diminish off into the deep end, and not anywhere near the pool deck, Phelps was planning to escape criticism, bitterness, and continuous questions.
Most of those explanations from the media would have sounded like this: So Phelps, what was in the water bong? What were you thinking? Did you have any inkling on how it could tarnish your legacy?
He was aiming for earlier retirement because of all the possible distractions from the public and media who were waiting for credible responses in 2012, to pressure and force Phelps into answering questions.
But now, the man with the goatee, has less worries and is able to swim in peace because of excellence, which is enough to cure a legacy of faltering.
Phelps is a savant icon.

He reestablished credibility at the US Championships, breaking the world record in the 100-metre butterfly. In doing so, he dominates the waters and inherited five individual world marks, milestones that are enough to cure a stumbling legacy.
When he accomplished a jubilant quest at Athens, Phelps made us proud and empowered us to watch swimming events.
He captivated our selective sports society, forcing us to focus our attention on backstrokes instead of sprints and batons. Following the wildest celebration and the most-dramatic event in Athens, Phelps celebrated too much. He was arrested for drunk-driving that ladled surveillance and beatings from the patriotic people, who once cheered and praised Phelps in representing our country, as a well-bred athlete of America.
Suddenly, global fame gradually diminished, but Phelps quickly fought off negativity and bounced back into usual form at Beijing, where he surpassed the greatest milestone in Olympic history.
Many thought the same results needed to occur, if Phelps was expecting to secure eminence. It doesn’t have to wait three years from now, coasting the swimming pools of Indianapolis and realizing chlorine and water bongs do not amalgamate.

So Thursday, Phelps was crisp and led at 50 meters with a split of 23.83, only mere seconds off world-record pace. Mired by talented swimmers, Phelps pulled off an incredible time, beating Tyler McGill and Aaron Peirsol, on the final two laps, with his unbelievable wingspan and capacity to bristle into the finish in 50.22 seconds to capture an awe-inspiring landmark.
McGill touched in for second with a time of 51.06 and Peirsol finished third, 51.30.
More importantly, Phelps overhauled his estate at Indianapolis University Natatorium by setting a new record with his usual ritual of making splashes in major events. He doesn’t wear Speedo LZR Racer trunks, or have 14 gold medals for nothing.
He slips on Speedo’s to dominate swimming illustrious than anyone else in our country, and has been molded into a well-known athlete.
He’s the Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods of H20, and cured semblance of negative tangles regarding his status.
Among all things, dignity has being resolved and people seem to have forgotten about Phelps getting high off blowing his lips on a water bong. In fact, many have forgotten, and have allowed it to slide into back page news. Dwelling over a bong, caused much commotion for the Olympic star, but now it's glorious to rave over a superb finish.
Once again, we have forgotten the marijuana photo bust, and have returned to his significant accomplishments.
He looks like the human-fish we grew accustom to seeing in Beijing. He looks as if he’s the greatest American citizen. And he looks as if he’s never been in trouble. Still, Phelps is in his early twenties, and his strokes uncover that achieving a mark doles grace. Thus far, in the water, he dismissed any doubts critics or bitter populace may have lost.
But all he had to accomplish was a milestone to clear his name of any demoralizing facades, transparencies that wouldn’t wreck glorious memories of a marvel gold medals collection, preserved off of Phelps unique talents.
In our society, where we pamper athletes, all Phelps needs is victories to save glorious moments. If so, the bong incident will be downplayed.
In other words, Phelps' exquisite legacy remains intact.
Half man and half fish dominate again.
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